Leap Day is on Monday, which means
there are 366 days in 2016! How exciting is that?! Since this only happens
every four years or so, it’s (kind of) a big deal!
I typed in Leap Year 2016 into Google and a million different things popped
up. Stores and airlines are celebrating Leap Year, so we should too! We’ve
compiled a list of deals going on through leap day and different things you can
fill your day with!
- EXPEDIA.COM deals! Make a hotel reservation with Expedia on or before February 29th and you get 29% off at select properties! Who doesn’t love a weekend getaway?! Schedule that now!
- URBAN OUTFITTERS LEAP DAY SALE! Shop special items at $29 or less to celebrate 366 days in 2016! Sale Ends Monday, 2/29. (There’s something at Urban for everyone. And if not, it’s a great time to pick up an early gift for someone—or be really responsible and pick up your mom’s Mother’s Day gift already).
- CheapOAir: Use Code GETAWAYS30 to save up to $30 on Getaway Vacations through February 29th! (These travel companies are really trying to get us travel somewhere!).
- Watch LEAP YEAR! This is an adorable movie about an American girl who follows her boyfriend to Ireland to propose to him on Leap Year, but she ends up falling in love with an Irishman. (MATTHEW GOODE—NEED I SAY MORE?!) If you’re bored and want to “celebrate” your extra day, seriously, watch this movie.
- GO TO DISNEYLAND! Disneyland Park will be open for 24 hours for a Leap Year Celebration. 24. Hours. Of. Disney. What more could anyone ask for?! Their campaign is called “One More Disney Day.” Everyone wants an extra day of Disney magic.
- And of course, make some frog cupcakes. Your coworkers might need a Monday pick-me-up and these froggy cupcakes will do the trick. They’re easy to make and so delicious! Recipe here: http://www.food.com/recipe/frog-cupcakes-307072